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Get Your BUTs out!

Have you ever watched improv comedy?

…Like the show “Who’s Line Is It Anyway”

Those guys amaze me…

No matter what one of them says or does, the other never seems to get phased and just keeps the plot moving forward, almost as if it were scripted.

That stuff cracks me up.

I always thought they had some sort of super power, so I had to find out…

Turns out it’s just one really simple rule that keeps everything moving forward and getting more fun…

The improv comic never responds with the word (or thought) “But”.

Instead, the response is always “Yes, AND…”

So if I came to you and said “you’re a chicken and I just saw you fly in over my fence”

Your response could be “but I’m not a chicken” or “but chickens can’t even fly”… this creates resistance and my only logical response would be trying to prove a point, an argument of sorts.

Not awesome flow, and certainly not all that much fun…

Now on the other hand, if your response were “yes, AND I’m feeling peckish so I flew in to share in some of that amazing smelling popcorn”…

Can you see a how that could go in a much more fun direction?

This rule is Improve 101 AND it’s AWESOME Life 101…

Use this rule and I guarantee that your life becomes more AWESOME!

For the next three days replace the word “But” with the words “Yes AND”…

“I want to start an online business, but… “


“I want to start an online business AND…”

Can you feel the difference?

Get the BUTs out, and you’ll instantly see a more relaxed flow to your day and it’ll be a lot more fun.

Give it a shot and let me know how it goes.


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