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Why Your After Work Routine Needs a Makeover

Okay so you’ve got your morning routine down to a science, and even your bedtime routine is pretty damn good. But what about those hours between when you get home from work and when you commence that bedtime routine?

Are you the kind that immediately whips out your laptop and continues working? Do you rip all your clothes off, throw them on the floor, put on the same pair of sweats you’ve been wearing every night during the week, order takeout, and turn on the tv for a few hours of mindlessness? Do you sit on the couch with every intention of reading your book or journaling or making dinner, and end up scrolling Instagram and Facebook for 3 hours? I’ve been guilty of some variation of all of these at some point in my life.

But, using those few hours intentionally when you get home from work can help reduce stress and anxiety in your life, and set you up for success. It’s almost as important as your morning routine. Here are some ways to make your after work routine work for you.

Put Everything Away

After work tidy up

Don’t just toss your jacket and bag on the counter or table and leave your shoes at the door. Put everything where it belongs. This helps keep your home tidy, which in turn keeps your mind tidy and it will help you avoid a frantic where-the-hell-is-all-my-shit morning.

Do Something to Decompress

after work journaling

Whether it’s journaling to think about and release your day, reading a chapter of your favorite book, taking a bath, or even performing an evening meditation or stretching session, it’s important for you to do something to decompress and release the worries of your day before you begin your bedtime routine.

Eat a Healthy Dinner

after work dinner

This is possibly the toughest part. It can be so difficult to muster up the energy to prepare a nutritious (and Instagram worthy) meal, especially after a long or difficult day. But, it’s important to have a nutritious meal to end your day. If you’re not the type to cook at night, consider pre-preparing your meals on the weekend, or trying out a meal kit and food delivery service like Home Chef, Blue Apron, or Foodly.

Plan for Tomorrow

after work planning

Before you head to bed, plan for tomorrow and set yourself up for success. Look at your calendar and make sure you have everything you need for any meetings you have planned. Pack your lunch and any snacks you need to stay full and focused all day long. Pick out and lay out your clothes for the next day, and pack up your purse or briefcase with all your work essentials. Lastly, set your alarm for the time you are supposed to wake up.

How do you decompress after work and set yourself up for tomorrow’s success?

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