It happens to most of us at one time or another…
We get overwhelmed, lazy, lost, uninspired, or whatever the “reason”, we just can’t seem to make progress toward the outcome we want.It can be frustrating, depressing and can quickly become almost paralyzing, but there is a simple solution that works every time…
It’s really that simple. Action is the answer. It doesn’t even really matter what the action is, Simply DOing something is far better than staying stuck. Analyzing why or where your stuck won’t change the situation until you actually DO something anyway… so stop thinking about it and DO Something.
Even completely unrelated positive action will pay huge dividends.
Many times when it’s a business problem that has me stuck a physical action is the best solution… Get up and stretch for a few minutes or go out for a quick jog or even just a couple dozen push ups.
Don’t over think it, just take action the next time your stuck. This very simple idea is guaranteed to increase your productivity in a massive way.
Because nothing happens until you DO something.
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