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“It’s More Work To Hold On…”

I was out for a walk with Heidi this afternoon.  She’s been fighting a cold and by the time we got to the end of the beach she was pretty worn out.

So, trying to be a gentleman, I said “just jump on my back and I’ll carry you back home”.

It surprised me when she responded “It’s more work to hold on, than it is to just walk”

But it made me think…

She was right.  It would take a great deal of energy for her to hold herself up on my back. Far more than just putting one foot in front of the other, over that same distance.

Walking back I realized that we could all be making similar decisions that are costing us far more energy than we need to spend.

Have you been looking for someone to carry you?

Just let go and put one foot in front of the other.  Taking the action yourself builds momentum and strength that would be otherwise impossible.

Have you been trying to carry someone else?

You may think you are helping them, but over the long term they will work far harder and still perhaps never make the decision to walk on their own.

What else are you holding on to?

Are you holding onto the last prospect that told you “no”?

Are you holding onto your previous business venture that failed?

Are you holding onto “the one that got away”?

In any case “Holding On” is taking far more energy than it’s worth. You will save a ton of energy when you simply Let Go and take action.

Just Let Go… put one foot in front of the other and repeat.

It’s a surefire way to get where you want to go and still have the energy to make things happen when you get there.

Photo by Mr. Littlehand

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